Bowier Trust
Foundation from Switzerland

Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland

Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland

Project overview BTFS 2018 in Liberia

1. Schulprojekt Immanuel Christian Academy (ICA) SD Cooper Road, Paynesville

  • Water supply / health hygiene / sustainable waste water disposal
  • Close involvement of the six surrounding communities and the National Police
  • Supported by ROTARY Clubs from Switzerland and Monrovia
  • Accompanied by a construction expert from BUTTI AG, Pfäffikon. Our competent management team Liberia was entrusted with the administrative management
  • Based on a binding agreement (MoU BTFS & ICA) to regulate responsibilities and timely implementation of defined construction works (start end of April 2018 with well drilling, water tower, septic tank rehabilitation, new WCA facility).

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2. Liberia National Police / mobilization of the population / promotion of the community

  • Strengthening community spirit through prevention campaigns by the Liberia National Police and BTFS, to promote safety and protect against sexual abuse of women and girls.
  • Trust-building process between the population living in poverty and the police, among other things, also for the sustainable promotion of education in an environment that is largely free of crime (so is our ICA school project).
  • "Effective Community Partnership Building Activities", i.e. effective and measurable community promotion, involving the so-called "motorcyclists*" and their leaders, as well as women and youth organizations.

*) 1 "Motorcyclists" are often former child soldiers with criminal energy, who want to find social acceptance as well as the way back into a society based on the rule of law.

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3. e-learning class teaching / internet based distance learning.

  • Free offer of the German lecturer, Dr. Burkhard Luber. He is several times
    ausgezeichneter Friedensforscher und Experte im Umgang mit Konfliktbewältigung und
    Reconstruction efforts in a former war zone (http://burkhard-luberteaching.
  • Pilot class with 15 participants consisting of BTFS Staff, ICA School and Church,
    and two police officers from the Liberia National Police
  • 12 monthly learning modules starting in April 2018. Learning objectives are:
    Conflict management, de-escalation, dialogue/communication (80% illiteracy),
    Project management to contribute to sustainable peacebuilding and stability in the
    to be able to contribute to the reconstruction process in Liberia
  • The distance learning program is usually held at our BTFS Office on SD Cooper Road.
    Community takes place and is led locally by a pastor from Immanuel Church (with a
    Master in Education), as well as by our administration, accompanied

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