Bowier Trust
Foundation from Switzerland

Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland

Donation and Support of Liberia Cement Corporation (Cemenco)

BTFS-CEMENCO Partnership on Course

Liberia's largest cement producer is donating 1,200 bags of cement to our foundation, making an important and active contribution to securing water supplies and building sanitation facilities. This partnership agreement was reached during a meeting with our Foundation Board President Felix Walz, BTFS Senior Administrator Hamnson Gaye and others. This meeting was initiated by Rotary members in Switzerland together with the CEO of Liberia Cement Corporation (CEMENCO). Felix Walz greatly appreciates this valuable donation from the Liberian Cement Producer, it will enable the implementation of the pilot project in the SD Cooper community, Paynesville. Read more to our water supply project and the construction of sanitary facilities. A very big thank you to Butti Bau and the construction engineer Michael Stutz for the valuable support in this construction project!

Heidelberg Cement Afrika, Liberia

Die Liberia Cement Corporation (Cemenco) betreibt eine Mahlanlage in der Hauptstadt Monrovia. Das Unternehmen ist einer der Hauptlieferanten im Lande. Das Engagement geht auf das Jahr 1968 zurück, und die Zahl der Beschäftigten liegt bei etwa 60.


Portland Cement (ASTM) packed in 50kg bags


Die Cemenco hat ein Netz von 30 Vertriebshändlern aufgebaut, von denen 5 die ländlichen Gebiete Liberias beliefern und die übrigen in und um Monrovia angesiedelt sind. Die Vertriebshändler stellen ihre eigenen Fahrzeuge für den Transport des Zements zu ihren Lagern zur Verfügung.

Heidelberg Cement Group Afrika

HeidelbergCement's history in Africa dates back to the mid-1960s, when Scancem International acquired its first participations. Activities were gradually expanded to several countries south of the Sahara. In 1999, Scancem International was acquired by HeidelbergCement. Today, HeidelbergCement is the leading cement manufacturer in West Africa. HeidelbergCement operates a network of 12 production sites in nine countries in Africa, making an important contribution to the economic development of these countries.

Länder und Werke

Benin Grinding plant in Cotonou
Burkina Faso Grinding plant in Ouagadougou
Demokratische Republik Kongo Integrated cement plants in Lukala and Kabimba
Ghana Grinding mills in Tema and Takoradi
Liberia Grinding plant in Monrovia
Mosambik Grinding mill in Beira
Sierra Leone Grinding plant in Freetown
Tansania Integrated cement plant in Dar es Salaam
Togo Clinker plant in Tabligbo, grinding plant in Lomé